Guess who I am?

An Artist?
An art historian?
Art lover?
Occasionally. Not always. But getting warmer!
Art thief?
Well you’ll never know, will you?
 Art critic?
Tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock …  
Ok, ok! For crying out loud! I’ll tell you!
I am in fact all and none of the above. You see… apparently, nowadays, you can be anything you want to be, which is exactly why I started this blog.
Graduating from art history results in a very satisfying yet slightly uncertain feeling.
On the satisfying side I am now a qualified ‘Art Historian’. Therefore, supposedly, I should know everything about art and everything which is assumed to be art, whether for its trendiness, its un-trendiness it unconventionality or - as it is in most cases - its price!  I can now scrutinize, legalize or verbally vandalize anything or anyone that claims to be or to create art.  With a swing of my wand I can determine art’s fate!
Or not. 
Back in real life I have become an unemployed, unguided ex-student with a lack of knowledge and subject matter. I long for those years of pampering and spoon feeding when professors still smiled at me, tutors briefed me and notes were still handed out to me on soft, white, printer-scented paper, drizzled with guidelines typed in Comic Sans
However - this blog has come to my rescue. It offers me the chance to pretend.  To act as if I am what I am not yet. Here I can be whoever I want, whenever I want. I can analyse, criticize or praise as art historian, art critic or art lover. Here I can write about what I believe is art, and not about what others prescribe art to be. I have no obligation to please or conform. I am liberated. Uncensored.  Perhaps the days  of pampering and spoon feeding are gone for good!